How to Edit a Zillow 3D Tour

Zillow 3D tours have been out for a while and are consistently getting better with each update. You can shoot a Zillow 3D tour with your phone or a 360 camera. I am using the former and it does a great job for boosting my listings and showing potential renters the house before they step into it.

Zillow gives preference to listings with 360-degree tours so it’s one more reason to give it a try and get ahead of your competition. Zillow also gives the option of embedding the tour on your website through a small code snippet, giving you a professional edge. I easily added it to a WordPress website but most modern site builders should work.

In this video, I used an iPhone to record the 3D tour but typically I use Android. The app interfaces are the same and it makes it easy to use whatever you have. I use a typical tripod with a cheap Amazon phone mount that I have listed below. You record the 3D tours in portrait mode so make sure the mount supports portrait mode when buying one.

Lastly, my phone battery was at 40% so I had to quickly place the tripod, select a new room in the app, and record the room by slowly spinning the tripod knowing I could edit everything after-the-fact.

How to Edit a Zillow 3D Tour

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Video Transcript

hey this is John from REI Avenue realestate investor Avenue where we providetools and Tech guides and video likethis to help guide you in your realestate investing business today we’regoing to talk about Zillow 3D tours umthis has been out for quite a while umand it’s gotten better over timeinitially the Android version which isthe one I use has been clunky andthey’ve cleaned that up a little bit uhthe iOS version I’ve used as as well uhrecently and it seemed like they werejust about the same uh quality based onwhatever phone you may have uh so if youhaven’t heard about z3ddhome um you can put your mobile in hereand text it to you or you can go tovarious app stores such as Google Playand search Zillow 3D home tours or uhthe app store for Apple Zillow 3D homeis what it’s called the biggest reason Iwanted to pull this up is um you’ll seethat it’s a gold or yellow mustard uh Zlogo and you have the other logos bluefor sales and rent purple for apartmentsand rentals and then there’s a rentalmanager and a premier agent so you wantthe gold one from whatever App Store youmay have now they support 3D cameras umbut I haven’t used one yet and I do planon doing so if you want to know moreabout that as I journey into it let meknow in the comments if not not I’mgoing to show you how to edit a tourafter you’ve done it so uh what I’vedone is I’ve captured a let’s go hereI’ve captured a tour just the other dayum the I was using an iPhone and it wasat 40% battery when I showed up whichisn’t ideal but when a busy day comes itdoes happen so I didn’t want to edit allthe floor names I really just stuck thephone on a tripod spun it around in theapp and then clicked next room and didit over and over like that so I couldfinish the house before the battery diedand this way I can show you guys how toedit it on the computer as opposed todoing it all on the phone uh live alsodoing it this way as well uh ifsomeone’s living there or you have atenant there you get out of their hairum quicker by using the phone andediting it later than you do doing it onsite but you can do it either way basedon the besze the house and how much timeyou have all right so I’m atzillow.commy3ddhomes uh and I have two 3D homes thatI’ve put up here uh one of them you cansee it says posted that one’s attachedto a listing already um so when peoplesearch for this particular propertythey’ll see it this one right here needsto be attached but first we’re going togo through and edit it it shows asprivate um it was finished a couple daysdays ago obviously no one’s seen it umand it says virtual tour only what thatmeans is they now provide floor plansbut I use a different kind of softwarefor floor plans I have not used theZillow software um I can share it I canclick these three dots and it says Ineed an address which I’ll get to I canedit share add a listing add a name ordelete it sometimes you’ll create a touron the phone and then you’ll create itagain based on your service and it’llshow us two cuz maybe you didn’t have uhgood service at the time so that’s howyou get rid of it all right so this oneI’m just going to click into looks likethe living room here and it’s going toopen up the editingwindow um so first things first umyou’ll notice right away I only have oneArrow I can’t go straight I can’t goleft I can’t go right on this tour um soI want to start adding that so justtrust top here view gets rid of all theadditional controls edit lets you editthis uh virtual tour the hand I’mclicking and holding to spin this aroundand again I’m using a phone so it’s justdoing a cylinder it’s not doing theceiling or the floor because it’s not a3D camera it’s a phone in portrait modethat I just span around on a tripodslowly if I click through on the bottomhere I’ve got basement upstairs andMain um and I can reorder these I canadd arrows I can set a default view andI can edit the detailsand I’ll just kind of walk through how Idothis all right so let’s see on thebottom here do I havehallway that might be the wronghallway and you can scroll left to righton the bottom here so I’ll show you I’llgo into the dining room here and thisone they have it set up as an office butit’s a dining room and now you can see Ihave front door and thenkitchen um the set default view when youenter a room and you want to showcase aparticular view so let me go back to thefront door here um maybe this wall herewith the flag and stuff that is mydefault view for this front door view Iset here and I clicked set default viewso when I return to thisone uh set um so I go dining room and Igo back to the front door whoops diningroom now I’m getting lost herekitchen diningoh these arrows must be wrong because Ican’t getback there we go when I go to front dooroh it should set me to the default maybenot when I’m moving around all right sowe’ll start here um dining room so I’llset this as the default and I’ll hit setnow let’sadd so edit arrows arrows Kitchen yes itis going in there but to click edit I’mgoing to going to click this Arrow hereand I’m going to center it and then hitsave so it moves it for me front door Iguess it’s not the best spot let’s seelet’s do it there and let save so it’sfairly easy there it goes seems to begoing a little slow tonight all right sothis straight ahead is the living roomand it just depends what we named itwhen we were doingit let’s go backhere living room I should have done thishallway again my battery is running outI was having a hard time also mytripod’s really wide um so monopod mightbe better as a tip and when I wasstanding in that I have toreally um pull in to try to get it toscan the whole thing and you’ll seesomething up here where that comes truelet’s see kitchen dining front doorliving room so I’ll click add see theplus the blue plus click that and thenI’ll line it up there and I’ll hit saveso I should have gotten this hallway butI didn’t not a huge deal um let’s see dowe have this otherhallway might be on the wrongfloorbathroom bear with me I’ve only been inthis houseonce oh this one right here hallway onMain so click plus and then I’m going tospin this over so it’s not on top ofthat living room and hit save we’llcheck if that’s the rightone yep it is so I’ve come into thishallway and this area again is tight sowithout a 3D camera I’m right up on thisdoor frame here so click edit I have toadd an arrow so I’ll add kitchen aswe’re looking straight at it plus we’llscoot this in between the pillars andhit save there’s kitchen we can also addfront door plus and I’ll just turn it Iknow this wall is in the way but I don’twant it to be on top of the kitchen wantpeople to go to the right back to thisfront door area and then back to thehallway we have kitchen front door wegot to add the laundryroom plus line this up and hit save andagain if this is too quick go ahead andslow down the video on the on the rightside and then I didn’t do this bathroombecause it’s teeny narrow hallway I alsodid not do the garage was notavailable allright so you can kind of see how I’mgoing throughthis um so we’ll go back to the frontdoor diningroom edit room details this is going tobe the formal dining room and I’ll hitsave and I’ll come back around herekitchen now I’m in the kitchen I’m goingto set this as mydefault see a little bit moremore and then this is my hallway againso come back here and you can kind ofsee how this starts stacking up thisthis house especially have lots oflittle nooks so I’ll leave hallway maybeI could do laundry room but oh this isdown to thebasement I forgot to do that on the lastrun save those are reallyclose let’s go toedit hallwayso tightsavehallway basement it’s all in this Nookhere save it’s a lot of arrows and Idon’t have garage or thisbathroom so I’ll come back out toKitchen oh it’s naming this one diningroom let’s take a lookhere the actual dining roomedit no that one’s dining room so comeback go to Kitchen you can see where youget errors in this stuff no that’sformal dining room so I got to go backtokitchen and I need to edit an arrow andthis one is facing the wrong directionI’ll hitsaveswitch I think what it was is at thething I recorded to dining roomrooms back to thekitchen yes so this one edit and doingon us phone can be maddening I thinkit’s a lot easier with a mouse there wego dining room basementhallway formal dining room behind me sowe’re going in the dining roomnow so we can go back to the kitchenwe’re over to this living room and thenwe have ahallway right here here and the biggestreason I featured it is to the leftthere’s a the laundry room save so go inthe livingroom not bad so you can see the laundryrightthere we’ll addlaundry save so go in the laundry roomand now we got to add thathallway that’s the wrong hallwaythis is the rightone save I’ll just checkit I’m in thehallway I go back in the laundry roomback to the hallway oh wait that’s notright laundryroom I have two namedhallways okay so that one’s rightlaundry room I have to returnturn I’m gettinglost okay so I have to put a hallwayright here the main hallway plussave there we go I’ll come back in thishallway you know it’s 2 feet and youmight get some anomalies like this oneright here thedresser I’m not sure what happened iscut people may or may not catch it butit is cut there doesn’t happen often butit does happen either the tripod wasbumped or or um I don’t know maybe I wasgoing too quick too quickly all right sonow we come down here we need the mainbedroom or primary bedroom or masterbedroom whatever you call it m bedroombedroom bedroomno oh here it is plus going to turn itin the middle hit save here we go intothe middleI’m gonna set this as the primary viewset okay this goes back to a hallway notthis one but this one while we’re heresave and you can see how quick thisstarts going now we havebathroom now in the app itself you canhave a room and you can add a room tothat room so this is abedroom um we’ll name thisprimaryprimary and then you can have theprimary bathroom or master bathroomthat’s attached to that room in the appum so it’s named here it says primarybedroom main8 main 9 is the bedroom aswell it’s an extension of thebedroom save actually renamethis uh thisis uh walk inclosets saveand then this is the bedroomplussave and then this is thebathroom which I’m not sure let’ssee nope we didn’t get another one inthere there’s a version of me fadedwhich is fine if I’m an anomaly there sogo back through here doesn’t seem to besetting the defaultview go in the hallway livingroom now we need a line down to thefrontdoor really helpful if you have a Macwhich this is but I don’t have a Macmouse you can scroll left and right um Ihave a Logitech mouse where the whaletilts which actually helps with thisworkflow quite a bit um all right sowe’re going to go to the frontdoorsave and then we’re going to add theupstairs closet hallway hallway hallwayhallway I don’t seeit oh The Loft that’s what it’s calledso that’ll be you see all these arrowshere save we’ll go upstairs for now soupstairs we’re upstairs we have abedroom a bathroom and abedroom um and again when you’re doingthis turn on all thelights uh the fans that’s up to you uh Idid leave them on but uh again that’s upto you but turning on all the lightsreally helps so there’s thebedroombathroom saveand then there’s one more bedroom righthereplussave so bedroom and we spin back aroundand we got to add the Loft back heresave so we come backoutbathroom there’s that and add the Loftagain plussave there we go catchup Zillow and wego in so you want to make sure you go inevery single room which we just did andmake it so you can exit every singleroom otherwise especially on the phoneit gets really weird for the user whenthey can’t get out of aroom um and you don’t want them to judgeyour listing because this is wrong allright so now we’re going to go back downto the livingroom living roomplus save okay back down to the livingroom here we arefrontdoor hallway I should do hallway firstnow I’ll do basement so come down herebasementfinished oo that’s close I might need tomove thehallway cancel edit hallway I’m going tomove it kind of in this wallsave now I’m going to add the basementI’m going to put it between the livingroom and thehallway saveyeah that’s tough right there so I’ll goto the basement editdetails clearly it’s finished she’llundo that all right so hallway backupstairs and then we have a room andthen this bigger roomhere actually let’s edit this let’s moveit a littlemore save so you can kind of see thisworkflow here this is another hallwaywonder if I actually can editthis can I change the name nope be greatif I could sayupstairsnope oh andalso it says we’re on the main floorhere so let’s go to edit details andwe’re going to add this to the basementand hit saveso you can see here we haveupstairs basement so basement unfinishedis right heresave what else do we got down here so goin here and then we’ll go back to thefinishedbasement save now we can get out of theroomwhoa this is also called basementfinished edit this is really the officesave all right so go back so now thatI’ve gotten completely lost because I’vegone down this Hall and I have no ARarrows I’m going to click backto the main basement room so unfinishedsee office is wrong edit get thisdelete we needthis save okay we’re in the basementunfinished set default view again againnot sure why this isn’t working itusually does maybe it needs to load allright go back out in thebasement hallway it takes meupstairs basement takes me downstairsokay hallway okay now I’m in thehallway and we’re going to add thisbedroomsave in the bedroom turn around back tothehallway uh uh where are wehallway our hallway hasdisappeared oh this is actuallyin thebasement edit details basement that’sour problem again I did it all reallyquick everything was on the main floorbut I’m glad I made it again hereinstead of in theirhouse okay so we’re in thebedroom we need to go to the hallwaysavehallway bed okay just want to make sureit works hallway hopefully you’re notgetting sick all right bathroom I don’tknow if is this yep bathroom save so wego in the bathroom spinaround and we go to to hallway againsave load see something’s up it has thisArrow there it is come on Zill fix itand then we’ll add thisofficesave and then I’ll go in the office spinaround and I’ll go back to thehallway save now I think we can getfully around this house in and out ofeveryroom we got to get back to the mainbasement so edit save save so it is goodto go in and out of every room andreally see if this works for peopleespecially on mobile so go backupstairs I should set this as thedefaultset frontdoor edit details okay good all right sothat is it that is how you edit a Zillow3D tour now if I go back to hereum I click add listing and I select oneof my listings which I’m not going to dobecause I don’t want to show the addressto this um and then itshows uh I edited this one one two 3Main Street or whatever your listing isupon doing that it shows uh it on Zillowon the app and on the website and alsocurrently it ranks to a little higherwhich is what we all want than uhlistings without 3D toursso you have regular listings listingswith 3D tours and then premium listingsand they haven’t said if premiumlistings with 3D tours is higher buteither way it does rank you ahead ofnon-paying ones uh if you have to pay inyour area I do have to pay in my area umso it’s one nice way to get ahead of thecompetition and get your houses in frontof everyone else so people can see it soyou can get it sold or rentedall right this was kind of a long one uhif you have any questions please let meknow in the comments below additionallyuh if you want to see more content likethis let me know what you’d like to seeif you want to see an app if you want tosee a 3D camera I am going to pick oneup if you’re interested in that pleasedo let me know and thank you so much forwatching

English (auto-generated)

Visit your App store and search for “Zillow 3D Tour” or see and enter your number and they will text it to you.

Tools I Use:

Keep in mind you can use what you have but using a tripod makes for a better 3D tour instead of holding your phone. Also, try to find one with an arm to help you manually spin the phone to capture the entire room.



Check the sizing on some of these if you have a larger phone


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